No matter your team size, we've got a plan for you.

You can do a lot for free. No credit card required.

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Personal use


Manage all your art

What's included

1 artist

0 advanced users

50GB cloud storage

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Start collaborating for free


Try mudstack with your team

What's included

Unlimited artists

1 advanced user

50GB cloud storage

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Best for small teams


billed yearly

What's included

Unlimited artists

$15/mo/advanced user

4TB cloud storage

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Enterprise needs?

Get in touch to discuss our enterprise offerings. See all enterprise features ↓

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Advanced users
Free viewers00unlimitedunlimited
Cloud storage50GB50GB4TB20TB+
Desktop app
Asset management
Version control
Single sign-on
Account roles
Private workspaces
Workspace roles
API access
Audit log
Priority support
Onboarding & training
Custom SLAs

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is mudstack for?

Mudstack is built for artists and art teams first and foremost. We will soon be introducing support for production and engineering teams within game studios.

Do you offer free trials?

Yes— kind of! The free Team plan has most of the features of our paid plans and allows you to evaluate whether a paid plan makes sense for your team. Try it free for as long as you like.

What's the difference between the Team and Indie plan?

The Team plan allows you to try most mudstack features for free with usage limits for some premium features— like reviews and file attachments.

What is an advanced user?

We allow unlimited artists on all plans except the Artist plan.

Team members that need advanced permissions— reviewing art (being tagged in a review request, providing approvals and assigning change requests) or administering the account, are considered advanced users and require a paid license.

What is a viewer?

A viewer is a user that can only view, comment on and download files. Often these are colleagues in production, legal and marketing departments.

How are accounts and workspaces different?

An account is the highest level of organization in mudstack, typically corresponding to a company. Within your account, you can set up any number of workspaces. These are typically used to keep different projects and team members contained.

On the Enterprise plan, admins can control who can see the contents of each workspace. On the Team and Indie plan, all account members belong to all workspaces.

How do roles & permissions work?

Indie plan accounts get account based roles and permissions— each workspace within the account inherits these roles and permissions from the account level. Enterprise plan accounts can also set roles and permissions at the workspace level.

What file types do you support?

Currently we support the following file formats for viewing in mudstack: 3DS, FBX, OBJ, GLB, DAE, JPG, PNG, TGA, MP4, MP3, TXT, DOC/DOCX, PDF, as well as many shader formats and code snippets. We're always adding new file format support— use our feature request form to get new filetype support.

Can I cancel anytime?

It drives us crazy when companies make you jump through hoops just to cancel your account. We know that sometimes things just don't work out, even though we both tried really hard. Closing your account is easily done through the app.

How safe is my data?

To keep your data safe, mudstack is designed with several layers of protections, and distributed across a scalable, secure, multi-tenant infrastructure. We rely on best in class authorization/authentication providers, and access to content is controlled through robust permission based APIs and services. Read more about our security practices here.

I still have questions.

Please message us through the chat widget on this website or email us at and we'll get back to you.